New Youtube Monetization Rules 2024

As the world of online video continues to evolve, YouTube, the leading video-sharing platform, has announced new monetization rules that will take effect in 2024. These changes aim to enhance the user experience, provide greater transparency, and address some of the challenges faced by content creators on the platform.

The previous monetization rules had faced criticism from some creators who argued that they were not transparent and did not provide enough support for smaller channels. The new rules aim to address these concerns by providing clearer guidelines and offering more opportunities for creators to earn revenue.

New Youtube Monetization Rules 2024

The new YouTube monetization rules for 2024 include the following key changes:

  • Increased minimum subscriber count
  • Increased minimum watch hours
  • New requirements for content
  • Changes to the YouTube Partner Program
  • New revenue sharing model
  • Updated copyright policies
  • New community guidelines
  • New age restrictions
  • New transparency measures

These changes are designed to improve the user experience, provide greater transparency, and address some of the challenges faced by content creators on the platform.

Increased minimum subscriber count

One of the most significant changes in the new YouTube monetization rules is the increased minimum subscriber count required to join the YouTube Partner Program (YPP). Previously, creators only needed 1,000 subscribers to join the YPP and start earning revenue from their videos. However, under the new rules, creators will need to have at least 1000 subscribers and 4,000 valid public watch hours in the past 12 months to be eligible for the YPP.

  • Why the change?

    YouTube says that the increased subscriber count requirement is necessary to ensure that creators who join the YPP are producing high-quality content that is in line with the platform’s policies.

  • How will it affect creators?

    The increased subscriber count requirement will make it more difficult for new and small creators to join the YPP and start earning revenue from their videos. However, it may also help to improve the overall quality of content on the platform by ensuring that only creators who are serious about producing high-quality content are able to monetize their videos.

  • What can creators do?

    Creators who have not yet reached the new minimum subscriber count should focus on creating high-quality content that is in line with YouTube’s policies. They should also promote their channels and videos on other social media platforms and engage with their audience to build a following.

  • Additional notes:

    The new minimum subscriber count requirement will take effect on February 20, 2023. Creators who have not reached the new minimum subscriber count by this date will have their YPP membership suspended. However, they will be able to reapply once they reach the new minimum subscriber count.

The increased minimum subscriber count requirement is a significant change that will affect many creators on YouTube. However, it is important to remember that YouTube is a competitive platform, and creators who are serious about earning revenue from their videos should be prepared to put in the work to build a following and produce high-quality content.

Increased minimum watch hours

In addition to the increased minimum subscriber count, YouTube is also increasing the minimum watch hours required to join the YouTube Partner Program (YPP). Previously, creators only needed 4,000 valid public watch hours in the past 12 months to join the YPP. However, under the new rules, creators will need to have at least 1000 subscribers and 4,000 valid public watch hours in the past 12 months to be eligible for the YPP.

  • Why the change?

    YouTube says that the increased watch hours requirement is necessary to ensure that creators who join the YPP are producing content that is engaging and interesting to viewers.

  • How will it affect creators?

    The increased watch hours requirement will make it more difficult for new and small creators to join the YPP and start earning revenue from their videos. However, it may also help to improve the overall quality of content on the platform by ensuring that only creators who are producing high-quality content that is engaging to viewers are able to monetize their videos.

  • What can creators do?

    Creators who have not yet reached the new minimum watch hours requirement should focus on creating high-quality content that is engaging and interesting to viewers. They should also promote their channels and videos on other social media platforms and engage with their audience to build a following.

  • Additional notes:

    The new minimum watch hours requirement will take effect on February 20, 2023. Creators who have not reached the new minimum watch hours requirement by this date will have their YPP membership suspended. However, they will be able to reapply once they reach the new minimum watch hours requirement.

The increased minimum watch hours requirement is a significant change that will affect many creators on YouTube. However, it is important to remember that YouTube is a competitive platform, and creators who are serious about earning revenue from their videos should be prepared to put in the work to build a following and produce high-quality content that is engaging to viewers.

New requirements for content

In addition to the increased minimum subscriber count and watch hours requirements, YouTube is also introducing new requirements for content that is eligible for monetization. Under the new rules, content must meet the following criteria:

  • It must be original content. This means that it must be created by the uploader and not copied or stolen from someone else.
  • It must be of high quality. This means that it must be well-produced, engaging, and informative.
  • It must comply with YouTube’s Community Guidelines. This means that it must not contain any hate speech, violence, nudity, or other content that violates YouTube’s policies.

YouTube is also introducing a new policy called the “Ad Suitability Guidelines.” These guidelines will determine which videos are eligible to run ads. Under the new guidelines, videos that contain the following types of content will not be eligible for ads:

  • Controversial or sensitive topics. This includes content that deals with topics such as politics, religion, race, or sexual orientation.
  • Profanity or violence. This includes content that contains excessive profanity or violence.
  • Sexually suggestive content. This includes content that is sexually suggestive or contains nudity.
  • Harmful or dangerous content. This includes content that promotes violence, self-harm, or other dangerous activities.

The new content requirements and Ad Suitability Guidelines are designed to improve the overall quality of content on YouTube and to ensure that advertisers are not associated with content that is inappropriate or offensive.

Creators who are unsure whether their content meets the new requirements should consult YouTube’s Help Center for more information.

Changes to the YouTube Partner Program

The YouTube Partner Program (YPP) is a program that allows creators to earn revenue from their videos by displaying ads. Under the new rules, there are several changes to the YPP, including:

  • Increased minimum subscriber count and watch hours requirements. As discussed earlier, creators will now need to have at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 valid public watch hours in the past 12 months to be eligible for the YPP.
  • New content requirements. Content that is eligible for monetization must now meet the new content requirements outlined above.
  • New Ad Suitability Guidelines. Videos that contain content that violates the new Ad Suitability Guidelines will not be eligible for ads.
  • New revenue sharing model. YouTube is introducing a new revenue sharing model that will give creators a larger share of the ad revenue generated by their videos.

The changes to the YPP are designed to improve the overall quality of content on YouTube and to ensure that creators are fairly compensated for their work.

New revenue sharing model

YouTube is introducing a new revenue sharing model that will give creators a larger share of the ad revenue generated by their videos. Under the new model, creators will receive 55% of the ad revenue generated by their videos, up from the previous 45%. This change is designed to help creators earn more money from their videos and to encourage them to produce high-quality content.

  • Why the change?

    YouTube says that the new revenue sharing model is necessary to ensure that creators are fairly compensated for their work and to encourage them to produce high-quality content.

  • How will it affect creators?

    The new revenue sharing model will give creators a larger share of the ad revenue generated by their videos. This means that creators will be able to earn more money from their videos, which could encourage them to produce more high-quality content.

  • What can creators do?

    Creators can take advantage of the new revenue sharing model by producing high-quality content that is engaging and interesting to viewers. Creators can also promote their channels and videos on other social media platforms to build a following and increase their earnings.

  • Additional notes:

    The new revenue sharing model will take effect on February 1, 2023. All creators who are members of the YouTube Partner Program will be eligible for the new revenue sharing model.

The new revenue sharing model is a significant change that will benefit creators on YouTube. By giving creators a larger share of the ad revenue generated by their videos, YouTube is encouraging creators to produce high-quality content and to build a following.

Updated copyright policies

YouTube is updating its copyright policies to make it easier for creators to understand and comply with them. The new policies will include the following changes:

  • Clearer guidelines on what is considered fair use. Fair use is a legal doctrine that allows creators to use copyrighted material without permission in certain circumstances, such as for criticism, commentary, or parody. The new policies will provide clearer guidelines on what is considered fair use, making it easier for creators to avoid copyright infringement.
  • New tools to help creators identify and remove copyrighted content. YouTube is developing new tools to help creators identify and remove copyrighted content from their videos. These tools will make it easier for creators to comply with YouTube’s copyright policies and to avoid having their videos taken down.
  • Improved communication with creators about copyright issues. YouTube is committed to improving communication with creators about copyright issues. The new policies will include more information about how creators can avoid copyright infringement and how to appeal copyright claims.

The updated copyright policies are designed to make it easier for creators to understand and comply with YouTube’s copyright policies. By providing clearer guidelines, new tools, and improved communication, YouTube is helping creators to avoid copyright infringement and to protect their own content.

Creators who have questions about YouTube’s copyright policies can visit the YouTube Help Center for more information.

New community guidelines

YouTube is updating its community guidelines to make the platform safer and more enjoyable for everyone. The new guidelines will include the following changes:

  • Clearer guidelines on what is considered hate speech. Hate speech is any speech that is intended to incite hatred or violence against a particular group of people. The new guidelines will provide clearer definitions of hate speech and will make it easier for users to report hate speech to YouTube.
  • New policies to protect children. YouTube is committed to protecting children on the platform. The new guidelines will include new policies to protect children from sexual abuse, exploitation, and other forms of harm.
  • Improved tools for creators to moderate their comments. YouTube is developing new tools to help creators moderate their comments and to remove harmful content. These tools will make it easier for creators to create a safe and positive environment for their viewers.
  • Increased transparency and communication with users. YouTube is committed to being more transparent with users about how the platform is moderated. The new guidelines will include more information about how YouTube makes decisions about what content to remove and how users can appeal these decisions.

The new community guidelines are designed to make YouTube a safer and more enjoyable place for everyone. By providing clearer guidelines, new tools, and increased transparency, YouTube is helping to create a platform where everyone can feel safe and respected.

Users who have questions about YouTube’s community guidelines can visit the YouTube Help Center for more information.

New age restrictions

YouTube is introducing new age restrictions to protect children on the platform. Under the new rules, users under the age of 13 will not be able to create their own YouTube accounts or channels. Users between the ages of 13 and 17 will be able to create their own accounts and channels, but they will have limited functionality and will not be able to access certain features, such as live streaming and Super Chats.

  • Why the change?

    YouTube says that the new age restrictions are necessary to protect children from online predators and other harmful content. The new rules will make it more difficult for children to create their own accounts and channels, and they will give parents more control over their children’s online activity.

  • How will it affect users?

    The new age restrictions will affect users under the age of 13 and users between the ages of 13 and 17. Users under the age of 13 will not be able to create their own YouTube accounts or channels, and users between the ages of 13 and 17 will have limited functionality and will not be able to access certain features.

  • What can users do?

    Users who are under the age of 13 should not create their own YouTube accounts or channels. Users between the ages of 13 and 17 can create their own accounts and channels, but they should be aware of the limited functionality and the restrictions on certain features.

  • Additional notes:

    The new age restrictions will take effect on February 20, 2023. Users who are under the age of 13 will have their accounts terminated, and users between the ages of 13 and 17 will have their accounts restricted.

The new age restrictions are a significant change that will affect many users on YouTube. However, it is important to remember that YouTube is a platform for all ages, and the new rules are designed to protect children from online predators and other harmful content.

New transparency measures

YouTube is introducing new transparency measures to give creators more information about how their videos are performing and how much money they are earning.

  • New dashboard for creators. YouTube is launching a new dashboard for creators that will provide them with more detailed information about their videos, including views, watch time, and earnings. The dashboard will also allow creators to track their progress towards reaching the YouTube Partner Program.
  • More information about copyright claims. YouTube is providing creators with more information about copyright claims. Creators will now be able to see who filed the claim, what content was claimed, and why the claim was made. Creators will also be able to dispute copyright claims more easily.
  • More information about demonetization. YouTube is providing creators with more information about why their videos are demonetized. Creators will now be able to see why their videos were demonetized and what they can do to get their videos monetized again.
  • More information about community guidelines strikes. YouTube is providing creators with more information about community guidelines strikes. Creators will now be able to see why they received a community guidelines strike and what they can do to avoid receiving strikes in the future.

The new transparency measures are designed to give creators more information about how YouTube works and how they can succeed on the platform. By providing creators with more transparency, YouTube is helping creators to make informed decisions about their content and to grow their channels.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the new YouTube monetization rules for 2024:

Question 1: When will the new rules take effect?
Answer: The new rules will take effect on February 20, 2023.

Question 2: What are the new minimum subscriber and watch hour requirements to join the YouTube Partner Program?
Answer: Creators will need to have at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 valid public watch hours in the past 12 months to join the YouTube Partner Program.

Question 3: What are the new content requirements for videos to be eligible for monetization?
Answer: Content must be original, of high quality, and comply with YouTube’s Community Guidelines.

Question 4: What are the changes to the YouTube Partner Program?
Answer: The YouTube Partner Program is increasing the minimum subscriber and watch hour requirements, introducing new content requirements, implementing new Ad Suitability Guidelines, and introducing a new revenue sharing model that will give creators a larger share of the ad revenue generated by their videos.

Question 5: What is the new revenue sharing model?
Answer: YouTube is introducing a new revenue sharing model that will give creators a 55% share of the ad revenue generated by their videos, up from the previous 45%.

Question 6: What are the new age restrictions?
Answer: Users under the age of 13 will not be able to create their own YouTube accounts or channels. Users between the ages of 13 and 17 will be able to create their own accounts and channels, but they will have limited functionality and will not be able to access certain features, such as live streaming and Super Chats.

Question 7: What are the new transparency measures?
Answer: YouTube is introducing new transparency measures to give creators more information about how their videos are performing and how much money they are earning. These measures include a new dashboard for creators, more information about copyright claims, more information about demonetization, and more information about community guidelines strikes.

If you have any other questions about the new YouTube monetization rules for 2024, please visit the YouTube Help Center for more information.

Now that you know about the new YouTube monetization rules for 2024, here are some tips to help you succeed under the new rules:


Here are some tips to help you succeed under the new YouTube monetization rules for 2024:

Tip 1: Focus on creating high-quality content. The new rules emphasize the importance of creating high-quality content that is original, engaging, and informative. Creators who can consistently produce high-quality content will be more likely to meet the new requirements and to succeed on YouTube.

Tip 2: Promote your channel and videos. The new rules make it more difficult for new and small creators to join the YouTube Partner Program. To reach the new minimum subscriber and watch hour requirements, creators need to promote their channels and videos on other social media platforms and engage with their audience to build a following.

Tip 3: Be aware of the new content requirements and Ad Suitability Guidelines. The new rules include new content requirements and Ad Suitability Guidelines that creators need to be aware of. Creators who violate these requirements may have their videos demonetized or removed from YouTube.

Tip 4: Take advantage of the new transparency measures. The new rules include new transparency measures that give creators more information about how their videos are performing and how much money they are earning. Creators can use this information to make informed decisions about their content and to grow their channels.

By following these tips, creators can increase their chances of success under the new YouTube monetization rules for 2024.

The new YouTube monetization rules for 2024 are a significant change that will affect many creators on the platform. However, by understanding the new rules and by following the tips above, creators can position themselves for success in the years to come.


The new YouTube monetization rules for 2024 are a significant change that will affect many creators on the platform. The new rules include increased minimum subscriber and watch hour requirements, new content requirements, changes to the YouTube Partner Program, a new revenue sharing model, updated copyright policies, new community guidelines, new age restrictions, and new transparency measures.

These changes are designed to improve the overall quality of content on YouTube, to protect users from harmful content, and to give creators more information about how their videos are performing and how much money they are earning. While the new rules may be challenging for some creators, they are also an opportunity for creators to improve their content and to grow their channels.

By understanding the new rules and by following the tips above, creators can position themselves for success in the years to come. YouTube is a competitive platform, but it is also a platform where anyone can succeed with hard work and dedication.

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