Uo Calendar 2024

The University of Oxford is a collegiate research university in Oxford, England. It is one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in the world, and its academic reputation is renowned globally. The university’s calendar is a comprehensive document that provides detailed information about the university’s academic year, including important dates, deadlines, and events.

The 2024 Oxford University Calendar is now available online. The calendar provides a comprehensive overview of the academic year, including important dates, deadlines, and events. The calendar is an essential resource for students, staff, and visitors, and it is highly recommended that all members of the university community familiarize themselves with its contents.

The calendar is divided into three main sections: the academic year, the terms and vacations, and the appendices. The academic year section provides an overview of the university’s academic year, including the start and end dates of each term and vacation. The terms and vacations section provides detailed information about each term and vacation, including the dates of lectures, tutorials, and examinations. The appendices section provides a variety of additional information, including a list of university officers, a map of the university, and a list of university regulations.

Uo Calendar 2024

The University of Oxford’s 2024 calendar is now available online. Here are 10 important points to note:

  • Academic year: 1 October 2023 – 30 September 2024
  • Michaelmas Term: 9 October 2023 – 16 December 2023
  • Hilary Term: 14 January 2024 – 15 March 2024
  • Trinity Term: 22 April 2024 – 28 June 2024
  • Long Vacation: 1 July 2024 – 30 September 2024
  • Freshers’ Week: 8 October 2023 – 14 October 2023
  • Commemoration: 19 June 2024
  • Encaenia: 26 June 2024
  • Examination results published: July – August 2024
  • Applications for undergraduate admissions open: 1 September 2023

The calendar is an essential resource for students, staff, and visitors, and it is highly recommended that all members of the university community familiarize themselves with its contents.

Academic year: 1 October 2023 – 30 September 2024

The University of Oxford’s academic year runs from 1 October to 30 September. The year is divided into three terms: Michaelmas Term (October – December), Hilary Term (January – March), and Trinity Term (April – June). There is also a Long Vacation from July to September.

The academic year begins with Freshers’ Week, which is a week-long orientation period for new students. During Freshers’ Week, new students will have the opportunity to meet their tutors, register for their courses, and participate in a variety of social events.

The first term of the academic year, Michaelmas Term, begins on the second Tuesday of October. Michaelmas Term is typically the busiest term of the year, as students are getting settled into their new courses and preparing for their first exams.

The second term of the academic year, Hilary Term, begins on the second Tuesday of January. Hilary Term is typically a quieter term than Michaelmas Term, as students are preparing for their final exams.

The third and final term of the academic year, Trinity Term, begins on the second Tuesday of April. Trinity Term is typically a busy term, as students are finishing their coursework and preparing for their final exams. Trinity Term also includes Commemoration Week, which is a week-long celebration of the university’s history and traditions.

The academic year ends on 30 September. After the end of the academic year, there is a Long Vacation from July to September. During the Long Vacation, many students take the opportunity to travel, work, or pursue other interests.

Michaelmas Term: 9 October 2023 – 16 December 2023

Michaelmas Term is the first term of the academic year at the University of Oxford. It begins on the second Tuesday of October and ends on the Saturday before the start of the Christmas vacation. Michaelmas Term is typically the busiest term of the year, as students are getting settled into their new courses and preparing for their first exams.

  • Freshers’ Week
    Freshers’ Week is a week-long orientation period for new students. It takes place at the beginning of Michaelmas Term and is an opportunity for new students to meet their tutors, register for their courses, and participate in a variety of social events.
  • Lectures and tutorials
    Lectures and tutorials are the main teaching methods used at the University of Oxford. Lectures are typically given by professors and are open to all students in a particular course. Tutorials are smaller group sessions led by a tutor, and are an opportunity for students to discuss the material covered in lectures in more detail.
  • Exams
    The first exams of the academic year are typically held in Michaelmas Term. These exams are known as “collections” and are typically held in the week before the start of the Christmas vacation.
  • Social events
    There are a variety of social events held throughout Michaelmas Term. These events are a great way for students to meet new people and make friends. Some of the most popular social events include college balls, society dinners, and sporting events.

Michaelmas Term is a busy and exciting time at the University of Oxford. It is a time for new students to settle into their new surroundings and for returning students to catch up with friends and start a new academic year.

Hilary Term: 14 January 2024 – 15 March 2024

Hilary Term is the second term of the academic year at the University of Oxford. It begins on the second Tuesday of January and ends on the Saturday before the start of the Easter vacation. Hilary Term is typically a quieter term than Michaelmas Term, as students are preparing for their final exams.

  • Lectures and tutorials
    Lectures and tutorials continue throughout Hilary Term. Students typically have fewer lectures in Hilary Term than in Michaelmas Term, as they are focusing on preparing for their exams.
  • Revision
    Hilary Term is a time for students to revise for their final exams. Many students will attend revision lectures and classes, and will spend a lot of time studying independently.
  • Exams
    The final exams of the academic year are typically held in Hilary Term. These exams are known as “schools” and are typically held in the week before the start of the Easter vacation.
  • Social events
    There are a variety of social events held throughout Hilary Term. These events are a great way for students to relax and de-stress during a busy exam period. Some of the most popular social events include college dinners, society events, and sporting events.

Hilary Term is a busy and challenging time at the University of Oxford. It is a time for students to focus on their studies and prepare for their final exams. However, it is also a time for students to enjoy the many social and cultural opportunities that Oxford has to offer.

Trinity Term: 22 April 2024 – 28 June 2024

Trinity Term is the third and final term of the academic year at the University of Oxford. It begins on the second Tuesday of April and ends on the Saturday before the start of the Long Vacation. Trinity Term is typically a busy term, as students are finishing their coursework and preparing for their final exams. Trinity Term also includes Commemoration Week, which is a week-long celebration of the university’s history and traditions.

One of the most important events of Trinity Term is the examination period. The final exams of the academic year are typically held in Trinity Term, and students typically have several exams to take over a period of several weeks. The exam period is a stressful time for students, but it is also a time when they can demonstrate all that they have learned during the year.

In addition to the exam period, Trinity Term is also a time for students to enjoy the many social and cultural opportunities that Oxford has to offer. Commemoration Week is a particularly popular time for students to celebrate the end of the academic year. During Commemoration Week, there are a variety of events held throughout the university, including concerts, lectures, and sporting events.

Trinity Term is a busy and exciting time at the University of Oxford. It is a time for students to finish their coursework, prepare for their final exams, and celebrate the end of the academic year. It is also a time for students to reflect on all that they have accomplished during the year and to look forward to the future.

Long Vacation: 1 July 2024 – 30 September 2024

The Long Vacation is the period of time between the end of Trinity Term and the beginning of Michaelmas Term. It lasts for three months, from 1 July to 30 September. During the Long Vacation, the university is closed and most students and staff take a break from their studies and work.

  • Rest and relaxation
    The Long Vacation is a time for students and staff to rest and relax after a busy academic year. Many students will travel, spend time with family and friends, or pursue personal interests.
  • Research
    Some students and staff will use the Long Vacation to conduct research. This may involve working on a research project, writing a paper, or attending a conference.
  • Teaching
    Some students and staff will teach summer courses or workshops during the Long Vacation. These courses and workshops are typically offered to students from other universities or to members of the general public.
  • Administration
    The university administration will use the Long Vacation to carry out essential maintenance and repairs on university buildings and grounds. The administration will also use this time to plan for the upcoming academic year.

The Long Vacation is an important part of the academic year at the University of Oxford. It is a time for students and staff to rest and relax, to pursue personal interests, and to prepare for the upcoming academic year.

Freshers’ Week: 8 October 2023 – 14 October 2023

Freshers’ Week is a week-long orientation period for new students at the University of Oxford. It takes place at the beginning of Michaelmas Term and is an opportunity for new students to meet their tutors, register for their courses, and participate in a variety of social events.

  • Meet your tutors
    One of the most important things that new students will do during Freshers’ Week is meet their tutors. Tutors are academic advisors who provide guidance and support to students throughout their time at Oxford. New students will typically meet with their tutors to discuss their course choices and to get advice on how to succeed in their studies.
  • Register for your courses
    New students will also need to register for their courses during Freshers’ Week. This can be done online or in person at the university’s Examination Schools. Students will need to choose the courses that they want to take, as well as the tutorials and lectures that they will attend.
  • Attend social events
    Freshers’ Week is also a great opportunity for new students to meet other students and make friends. There are a variety of social events held throughout the week, including college parties, society fairs, and sporting events. These events are a great way for new students to get involved in the university community and to make new friends.
  • Get to know Oxford
    Freshers’ Week is also a good time for new students to get to know the city of Oxford. There are a variety of walking tours and other events that are organized to help new students get to know their new surroundings.

Freshers’ Week is an important and exciting time for new students at the University of Oxford. It is a time to meet new people, make friends, and get to know the university and the city of Oxford.

Commemoration: 19 June 2024

Commemoration is a week-long celebration of the University of Oxford’s history and traditions. It takes place in Trinity Term and includes a variety of events, such as lectures, concerts, and sporting events. The highlight of Commemoration is the Encaenia ceremony, which is held on the Thursday of Commemoration Week.

The Encaenia ceremony is a formal ceremony at which honorary degrees are awarded to distinguished individuals. The ceremony is presided over by the Chancellor of the University and is attended by the university’s senior officers, faculty, and students. The Encaenia ceremony is a prestigious event and is a highlight of the university’s social calendar.

In addition to the Encaenia ceremony, Commemoration Week also includes a variety of other events, such as:

  • Lectures: There are a number of lectures given during Commemoration Week, on a variety of topics related to the university’s history and traditions.
  • Concerts: There are also a number of concerts held during Commemoration Week, featuring music from a variety of genres.
  • Sporting events: There are also a number of sporting events held during Commemoration Week, including cricket, rowing, and tennis matches.

Commemoration is a popular time to visit the University of Oxford. The university’s colleges and gardens are open to the public, and there are a variety of events and activities taking place throughout the week. Commemoration is a great opportunity to experience the university’s unique atmosphere and to learn more about its history and traditions.

Encaenia: 26 June 2024

Encaenia is the annual degree ceremony of the University of Oxford. It is held on the Thursday of Commemoration Week and is presided over by the Chancellor of the University. At Encaenia, honorary degrees are awarded to distinguished individuals from all walks of life, including politicians, academics, scientists, artists, and musicians.

  • Honorary degrees
    Honorary degrees are awarded to individuals who have made significant contributions to their field or to society as a whole. Honorary degrees are not awarded for academic achievement, but rather for distinction in other areas of endeavor.
  • The Chancellor
    The Chancellor of the University of Oxford is the head of the university and presides over Encaenia. The Chancellor is elected by the university’s Congregation, which is made up of all of the university’s graduates.
  • Commemoration Week
    Encaenia is the highlight of Commemoration Week, a week-long celebration of the university’s history and traditions. Other events during Commemoration Week include lectures, concerts, and sporting events.
  • A prestigious event
    Encaenia is a prestigious event and is attended by the university’s senior officers, faculty, and students. It is also a popular event for visitors to Oxford, who come to witness the university’s unique traditions and to see honorary degrees awarded to some of the world’s most distinguished individuals.

Encaenia is a proud and important tradition for the University of Oxford. It is an opportunity to celebrate the university’s history and achievements, and to honor those who have made significant contributions to society.

Examination results published: July – August 2024

The University of Oxford’s examination results are typically published in July and August. The exact date of publication varies depending on the exam board and the level of study. Undergraduate examination results are typically published in mid-July, while graduate examination results are typically published in early August.

Students can access their examination results online through the university’s student portal. Once the results are published, students will receive an email notification. Students can also view their results in person at their college or department.

Examination results are an important milestone in a student’s academic career. They provide students with feedback on their performance and help them to identify areas where they need to improve. Examination results can also be used to apply for further study or employment.

If a student is unhappy with their examination results, they have the right to appeal. The appeals process varies depending on the exam board and the level of study. Students who are considering appealing their results should contact their college or department for more information.

The publication of examination results is an important event in the academic calendar. It is a time for students to reflect on their achievements and to plan for the future.

Applications for undergraduate admissions open: 1 September 2023

The University of Oxford’s undergraduate admissions cycle opens on 1 September each year. This is the date when students can begin submitting their applications for admission to the university. The deadline for applications is 15 October for most courses, and 1 December for courses in medicine and dentistry.

  • How to apply
    Students can apply to the University of Oxford through the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS). UCAS is a centralized application system that allows students to apply to multiple universities and colleges with a single application.
  • What to include in your application
    Your UCAS application should include your personal statement, your academic transcripts, and two letters of recommendation. Your personal statement is an opportunity to tell the admissions tutors why you want to study at Oxford and why you are a good fit for the university. Your academic transcripts should show your grades in all of your previous academic work. Your letters of recommendation should be from teachers or other individuals who can attest to your academic abilities and your character.
  • The admissions process
    Once you have submitted your UCAS application, it will be sent to the University of Oxford for consideration. The admissions tutors will review your application and decide whether to invite you for an interview. If you are invited for an interview, it will typically take place in December or January. The interview is an opportunity for the admissions tutors to get to know you better and to assess your suitability for the course.
  • Receiving a decision
    The University of Oxford will send out its admissions decisions in March. Students who have been offered a place at the university will have until May 1 to accept or decline the offer.

Applying to the University of Oxford is a competitive process. However, if you have the academic ability and the motivation to succeed, you have a good chance of being admitted.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the University of Oxford’s 2024 calendar:

Question 1: When does the academic year start and end?
Answer: The academic year at the University of Oxford runs from 1 October to 30 September.

Question 2: When is Freshers’ Week?
Answer: Freshers’ Week takes place from 8 October to 14 October 2023.

Question 3: When are the examination periods?
Answer: The examination periods are:

  • Michaelmas Term: Collections (week before the start of the Christmas vacation)
  • Hilary Term: Schools (week before the start of the Easter vacation)
  • Trinity Term: Finals (several weeks at the end of term)

Question 4: When is Commemoration?
Answer: Commemoration takes place on 19 June 2024.

Question 5: When is Encaenia?
Answer: Encaenia takes place on 26 June 2024.

Question 6: When are examination results published?
Answer: Examination results are typically published in July and August.

Question 7: When do applications for undergraduate admissions open?
Answer: Applications for undergraduate admissions open on 1 September 2023.

We hope this FAQ has been helpful. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the university.

Now that you know all about the University of Oxford’s 2024 calendar, here are a few tips to help you make the most of your time at Oxford:


Here are four tips to help you make the most of your time at Oxford:

1. Get involved in extracurricular activities.
There are hundreds of extracurricular activities available at Oxford, from sports and music to debating and volunteering. Getting involved in extracurricular activities is a great way to meet new people, make friends, and develop new skills. It is also a great way to de-stress and have some fun outside of your studies.

2. Take advantage of the university’s resources.
Oxford has a wealth of resources available to its students, including libraries, museums, and laboratories. Make sure to take advantage of these resources to support your studies and to explore your interests. The university also has a variety of support services available to students, such as academic advising, counseling, and health services.

3. Make time for yourself.
It is important to make time for yourself outside of your studies and extracurricular activities. This time can be used to relax, recharge, and pursue your own interests. Whether you enjoy reading, spending time in nature, or simply spending time with friends, make sure to schedule some time for yourself each week.

4. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
If you are struggling with your studies or with any other aspect of your life at Oxford, don’t be afraid to ask for help. There are a variety of people who can help you, including your tutors, college advisors, and friends. Remember that you are not alone and that there are people who care about you and want to help you succeed.

Following these tips can help you make the most of your time at Oxford and to have a successful and fulfilling university experience.

The University of Oxford is a unique and special place. It is a place where you can learn from some of the world’s leading scholars, meet people from all over the world, and explore your interests in a supportive and stimulating environment. We hope that you will make the most of your time at Oxford and that you will take advantage of all that the university has to offer.


The University of Oxford’s 2024 calendar is a comprehensive guide to the academic year, including important dates, deadlines, and events. The calendar is an essential resource for students, staff, and visitors, and it is highly recommended that all members of the university community familiarize themselves with its contents.

The main points of the 2024 calendar are as follows:

  • The academic year runs from 1 October 2023 to 30 September 2024.
  • Freshers’ Week takes place from 8 October to 14 October 2023.
  • The examination periods are:
    • Michaelmas Term: Collections (week before the start of the Christmas vacation)
    • Hilary Term: Schools (week before the start of the Easter vacation)
    • Trinity Term: Finals (several weeks at the end of term)
  • Commemoration takes place on 19 June 2024.
  • Encaenia takes place on 26 June 2024.
  • Examination results are typically published in July and August.
  • Applications for undergraduate admissions open on 1 September 2023.

We hope that this article has been helpful in providing you with an overview of the University of Oxford’s 2024 calendar. We encourage you to consult the full calendar for more detailed information.

We wish you all a successful and fulfilling academic year at the University of Oxford.

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